Mar 25, 2011

Saree hunt !!

Its my final year at college and in about a few months time I'll be out there in the big bad world!! This will be my last time to celebrate Day's in college...and the most dreaded day is the Saree day!! I know...the Saree brings out the elegance of the Indian women and all that!! But frankly wearing one all day can be really frustrating!! But this time I'm going to have to wear a Saree...just for the sake of one photograph of the entire that we could swoon on it in the coming years!! Its not like i don't have many pics with all my friends...i have loads of them....a hard drive full of memories of these past four years. But still this one would be special and i have to look really special!!
So then, I began my search for a Saree. I scanned my mom's wardrobe for something that would catch my eye. But couldn't find anything good...u know how it is....the generation gap and all...i rarely like my moms choices and the one's which i found to my liking were too old!! So then i went Saree shopping or rather Saree hunting with my mom. This was the first time i was shopping for a Saree for myself...earlier it was always for my mom and i used to just say yes whenever she asked my opinion to any of the Saree's which interested her...coz i knew if i said no she would go to the next shop...and i would have to wait even longer till she finally found something nice!! But this time it was my turn to select one and i was sooo confused!!
There are so many types of,cotton, netted and what not...and again there are different types of silk Saree's and varieties of cotton Saree's!! Gosh!!...It's a tough job to select one!! After checking out in about four to five shops I finally zeroed in on one pretty cotton Saree which caught my eye!! I think it will make me look good!
Once the Saree was done I had to think something about the should go perfectly with my Saree...i bought a pretty gold pendant which matched my Saree perfectly...and also bangles to go with it!! 
Then comes the footwear...thankfully i did not have to buy those....i already had a matching pair!! I still have to think about how m going to wear my hair and then m done and I'll be all set for the 'D' day and for clicking more memories!!

Mar 7, 2011

Heart and Mind

Never before have I been facing such a huge conflict of my heart and my mind. Why cant they both just agree on the same thing ??...Why do they always have different opinions?? One supports emotions, the other supports practicality. Its so difficult to know who's right and who's wrong!!
The Heart will show me all the good memories and say "This is what you want, take my side", then
The Mind will show me all the bad memories and say "This is what you don't want, so take my side"
How do i now decide what i want and what i dont want??!!
My heart reaches out for him, wants to be with him all day, wants to hear his loving voice, then my mind comes into picture....and threatens me with the future, telling me that practically its not can't be with him!!
I feel so torn....there's so much chaos....
I wish my heart and my mind decide amongst themselves which is the better option and take the decision for me........m tired of choosing......m just gonna wait untill they arrive at a conclusion!!!!

p.s.- i dint mention his decision.....he does'nt want me!! i guess the mind has an advantage here!!

Feb 26, 2011

He's the one

 I was walking through life
without any clue
When one day I met you
out of the blue
And that's when,
My heart said..."He's the one for you"

My heart grew fonder
my curiosity grew
Unknowingly I came too close to you
And that's when,
My heart said..."He's the one for you"

You brought smile on my face
my sorrows were few
I became completely dependent on you
And that's when,
My heart said..."He's the one for you"

Forever in my life
I wanted to be with you
Now I could not live without you
And that's when,
My heart said..."He's the one for you"

Situations have changed
I no longer have you
Life has parted, me from you
But still,
My heart says..."He's the one for you"

Feb 20, 2011


Everyone experiences mood swings m sure!! They are really bad ....u cant stick to your decisions because of them. My mood changes drastically from one day to another!!! I make one decision today and m adamant on sticking to it...but the very next day....m like..what made me decide that!! Does any such thing as 'stabilty of mind' even exists???
One day i am the happiest person on earth....

then the very next day....i want to be left alone...

then again one day m full of positivity.....

and another day.....i feel like a loser !!

Then comes  a day when i am in complete bliss...peaceful and serene....

and the very next day i am crying my heart out......

one day m all loving and caring....


again another day i lash out at everyone!!..

Today however i am in one of my good moods....
Today I am full of hopes for a bright future :)

who knows what my mood is gonna be like 2mrw!! These mood swings wont end m sure....they are a part of the ups and downs of life......m trying to get used to them....and i know now....that after every bad mood there surely is a good mood lined up!!

Feb 10, 2011


 'Life' as they say is not fair..and I have had my share of unfairness served to me. I have questioned, "why me?", have had regrets, "I should'nt have done that", have lost my precious possesions "plz dont go away", have cried for days at a stretch "I dont wana let go", have even begged "plz come back", have even hoped against hope "Everything will be back to how it was"....and then.....I'd had enough. I dont want this. I dont want to live like this, crying and moping. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to be at peace from within.
The moment this thought crossed my mind something woke up in me. I somehow found strength.....amidst all this negativity....there it was, a small ray of positive thought. I held on to it...and my strength grew!! It was then that I began to observe. The more I cried, I found thousands of reasons to cry even more. The more I was sad, there appeared many more reasons to make me sadder. Thats when I decided...I wanted to be happy and guess what, now I find thousands of reasons to be happy!! Life has so much to offer...its upto us what we choose to have. Happiness and sadness are all the creations of our mind. No one wants to be sad, its just that people donot realise that its upto them to choose whether they want to be all weepy or all cheerful. I've chosen the happier path and now i have truck loads full of reasons to be happy!! Now i walk with my head held high and a smile on my face coz i know life is beautiful!! Why waste time crying for something you have lost? Instead, feel happy and content with what you have. Looking all around you, we realize there are people facing much worse than us. This makes me value what I have even more. Such is the power of positivity that when you are positive all the right things happen to you. I have now made it a point to shoo away all those negative thoughts that creep into my mind and replace them with positivity. I have finally taken control of my life. Its now upto me to make it even more beautiful!!

Jan 29, 2011

An Electronics Engineer or a Software Engineer?

I always wanted to be an engineer….a “computer engineer”. I was fascinated by the computer, the way it works, how we can do so many amazing things with it. I used to envy my cousin brother who knew everything there was to know (at least that’s what I thought) about computers. So I sought the path of engineering hoping to know all about computers!! But as luck would have it I couldn’t get into computer engineering. My marks in the common entrance test made sure of this. Instead I got into electronics. Initially, I was really disappointed. But eventually I began to like the idea of becoming an electronics engineer. We studied about transistors, diodes, LED’s, semiconductors, resistors, capacitors and what not. My friends in computer engineering told me how they slogged to write programs. Each application is backed with pages and pages of program codes. And I felt relieved that somehow I was put in the right place. I would have never been able to take interest in programming. It’s too much logic. It’s not like I enjoyed every bit of the electronics part. There are too many electronic components and to have all of them thrown at you at once, it just becomes overwhelming! However I did accomplish a few things in the 3 yrs and 7 semesters of engineering (one more semester still to go). We made a robot, we built a light sensitive alarm an automatic muting circuit for a television and now we are working on the big thing, our final project, it’s a moving message display!! I know these are very small accomplishments considering what most electronics engineers do but they are special to me. Each of them have been a great learning experience for me and have created loads of memories with my friends. Just the lighting up of an LED could generate squeals of glee from all of us. 
So after all these years of being happy for not doing programming and cribbing for the overwhelming amount of electronic components I have now been placed at INFOSYS, a software MNC through campus recruitment. Guess it all comes back now to where it started!! Infosys training begins somewhere in the month of June and they’ll be training us in PROGRAMMING!! If you think am moaning about it, you’re wrong, I am actually very excited!! I am really eager to wade into this new territory. There’s no chance am going to miss an opportunity to be an employee of one of our countries top software companies.  Maybe just like it did with electronics, I might really like programming eventually. Who knows I might even get better at it than what I did in electronics. Life always keeps throwing these unexpected things at us, you never get what you expected. I am just learning to appreciate whatever it gives me and am sure it’s always for the good!! So what am I gonna be now? An electronics engineer or a software engineer??  Its too soon to ask this question. I am sure life will answer it for me!!