Mar 7, 2011

Heart and Mind

Never before have I been facing such a huge conflict of my heart and my mind. Why cant they both just agree on the same thing ??...Why do they always have different opinions?? One supports emotions, the other supports practicality. Its so difficult to know who's right and who's wrong!!
The Heart will show me all the good memories and say "This is what you want, take my side", then
The Mind will show me all the bad memories and say "This is what you don't want, so take my side"
How do i now decide what i want and what i dont want??!!
My heart reaches out for him, wants to be with him all day, wants to hear his loving voice, then my mind comes into picture....and threatens me with the future, telling me that practically its not can't be with him!!
I feel so torn....there's so much chaos....
I wish my heart and my mind decide amongst themselves which is the better option and take the decision for me........m tired of choosing......m just gonna wait untill they arrive at a conclusion!!!!

p.s.- i dint mention his decision.....he does'nt want me!! i guess the mind has an advantage here!!


Rachit said...

Touching and very true...!

Anushree said...

@Rachit...thanks for dropping by!!

RiĆ  said...

Heart n mind often disagree and its ultimately we who have to take the decision.

Anushree said...

@Ria....ur rite!!...but choosing one of them is xtremely difficult!!

Sh@s said...

The battle between heart and mind is eternal but his decision has made it easy to for you to decide though it will be painful for you to move on but it will be worth it unless he has a change of heart.

Fatima said...

The heart and mind will never come to terms and the conflict goes on...

Touching post, hope you make the decision and not regret.

You've got a nice blog!

Keep Writing.

Take Care.

P.S: Do visit my blog too if you wish too :)

Amrit said...

Go with heart :))

Very nice post.

PS:- On a side note, it took very long time for blog post to load....not sure why...

Anushree said...

@ Sh@s...there's the catch...the fact that he might have a change of heart makes the decision even more tougher!!

@ Fatima...thank u...i did visit ur blog!! :)

@ too wanna go with my heart..but the damn mind keeps intruding!!
about the blog taking time to load..i guess its coz of this template design...good things come at a price!! :P

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